Should you have inquiries, contact us: 240-401-5260 | 240-506-2011

a woman and a man

About Us

Telepsychiatry Practice in Annapolis, Maryland

Breaking the stigma, optimizing your mental health
two men talking

Lily Health and Wellness Center comprises behavioral health care specialists that focus on delivering personalized psychotherapy services to individuals with mental health challenges and disorders. Our team seeks to help these individuals develop self-awareness, self-confidence, and self-reliance through a proactive approach so they can have a better grasp of their condition and the way they react to a particular situation. Our evidence-based telepsychiatry practice in Annapolis, Maryland, addresses the person in its entirety, teaching them the tools needed to succeed in and out of the treatment and achieve their personal goals in life.

At Lily Health and Wellness Center, we value the differences of people. Hence, we offer our services to people from all backgrounds, communities, and walks of life. Working collaboratively with our clients. We believe that we all have the innate ability to overcome adversities and transform our lives. With the right guidance and support from the right people, we can make long-term changes in our lives, solve problems, and build needed skills for success.

Our Mission

We are committed to empowering your mental fortitude and helping you understand your condition so you can better manage your behavior and emotions, improving your overall emotional and social functioning, self-awareness, and quality of life. We strive to create a space that encourages you to explore yourself, understand yourself, and learn more about yourself without any environmental prejudices.

We Are Here to Help

Your mental health matters. Let us help you navigate your mental health challenges with evidence-based, personalized, compassionate care services. Should you have further questions, please feel free to send us a message so we can address them properly.